• What is a book fair?
  • When is it normally held?
  • What is the purpose of it?
  • What kinds of books are displayed here?
  • Is it very enjoyable today and how?
  • Who comes to the book fair?
  • What is its importance?
Answer: A book fair is an exhibition in which books are sold and displayed. It is held on different occasions. In every year, on the occasion of 21st February, a book fair is held at Bangla Academy. Different kind of books such as storybooks, science fictions, a book of poems, novels are found in a book fair. Different kinds of publishers sometimes arrange it to display the books of their publications. They make temporary book stalls and decorate them. They show their book to their customers and tell the readers about its nature. Customers and different age come to the book fair. All the visitors of a book fair do not buy books. Someone comes to see books and someone comes to buy books. It is also a meeting place for the writers. Autograph seekers remain busy in collecting autographs from the writers. A book fair brings us close to books. It also introduces us to our own culture. Thus it increases our knowledge and improves our lives. In fact, books are our best friends.