A village doctor is a physician who lives in the village and gives medical treatment to rural people when they become ill. He is a popular figure in the village. He is familiar to almost all the villagers. He is not a qualified doctor. He is a quack. He starts his career with the experience he had gathered by working with a doctor or in a dispensary. He can deal well with the common diseases. He has a dispensary with an Almirah, a chair, a table, and one or two benches. He sits in the dispensary, examines the patients and gives medicines. He receives the cost of medicine. Then he goes out in the village to see his patients. Generally, he goes on foot. In absence of any qualified doctor, a village doctor renders useful services to the villagers. He is an important person to them. He is a welcome guest for the rural people as he is readily available at any time to respond to their call.