1. What are the common features of a winter morning?
  2. What happens to trees and grass?
  3. What happens to birds and animals?
  4. What kind of juice is available in winter?
  5. What happens when the sun goes up?
Answer: There are six seasons in our country. Winter is one of them. It is the season of mist and cold. So, a winter morning is misty and cold. There is dense fog everywhere. Everything looks hazy. Things at a distance can hardly be seen. The tall trees are covered with fog and they cannot be made out. It dews at night. When the morning sun peeps the dew-drops look like glittering diamond on grass and plants, in this season, the poor people suffer a lot because they do not have warm clothes to put on. The condition of birds and animal’s beggar’s description. They feel happy to see the rays of the sun. Sweet date juice is available in this season. People like to drink the juice. The scene of the winter morning gradually changes as the day advances. The sun goes up and fog disappears. Then people go to their respective works.