
 Tea is the most popular drink in the present world. It removes our fatigue, refreshes our mind and gives us energy. Tea has become a part and parcel of our daily food habits.
The first tea-growing country is China. Tea also grows in Japan, Indonesia, India,S
ri lanka  and many other parts of the world. Bangladesh is one of the largest tea-producing countries. She earns a lot of foreign exchange by exporting tea. It has become a cash-crop in our country.
Tea plants grow in the slope of hills. To grow tea-plants excessive rainwater is needed. Hill tracts are chosen to grow tea-plants because rainwater does not stand there for long time. In our country tea-gardens are found in Sylhet and Chittagong hill tracts. Nowadays tea is also grown in the north region of the country.
A tea-plant is an evergreen shrub. To grow tea-plants, at first, the seeds are sown in a nursery. Then the plants are transplanted in the mountain slopes. Tea-plants are planted in rows. They are trimmed down and allowed to grow not more than three or four feet high. As a result, they become bushy. When the new leaves and buds come out, they are plucked. They are plucked four times a year. Tea leaves are picked up for the first time in spring. It provides the finest tea.
After picking up, tea-leaves are dried in the sun. Then they are rolled over by a machine in the factory and the juice is pressed out. After that, they are left spreading on the floor until their color gets changed. They grow dry and black. Then they are molded and they become ready for use.
Tea is a refreshing drink. It stimulates our energy and removes our exhaustion. It has got much popularity among people of all avenues of life. It has become an item of modest entertainment. Nowadays, guests are entertained with tea.
As tea is a cash-crop of our country, The Govt. should take a hand to grow more and quality tea.

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