Our school

The name of our school is ISLAMEE ADARSH HIGH SCHOOL. It is in Mirpur,Dhaka-1216. The school is built in a vast open area. It has a building with 45 class rooms, all library, a laboratory, an extensive play area, a staff room and a headmaster’s room. There is a beautiful garden in front of our school. We get fresh air and good light in our class rooms. The school and its surroundings are grand.
There are about 1200 students, out of whom nearly 550 are girls, it is a high-educational school. There is no hostel. All of us are day scholars. The school has classes 1 to 10, with a number of sections in each class. Each class has about 45 to 60 students. The school starts at 11.00 a.m. and works up to 5.10 p.m. We have about 65 teachers in the school. The school starts exactly at 11.00 a.m. with a prayer. All the members of staff and the students are punctual.
We are taught three languages, arithmetic, two sciences and social studies. In addition, there are co-curricular activities like essay writing, debates, quiz programs etc. There are also extra curricular activities like drama, music and dance in which we all take part. In the evenings it is compulsory for all boys and girls to attend physical education classes. We play football, cricket, and hockey and addition to many indoor games. Our playgrounds are clean and good.There is a good library in our school which has many books in Telugu, English and BANGLA. We read many books, newspapers and magazines in our library. We have separate laboratories for physical and biological sciences. Our science teachers help us to do practicals in science. We have computers, radios and also a T.V. to help us to know latest things in science and technology. We have a good Science Club and a museum too in our school. We have unit tests, evaluation, and monthly test, quarterly and half yearly examinations before we face the annual examination. Our progress is evaluated throughout the year.
Our students take part in the various completions held in sports, literary and cultural activities at the district level and the State level. Some of our students are State level players and gold medal winners in literary and cultural competitions at the State Level. We go out on excursions. We always score the first few ranks in the seventh class and tenth class public examinations. Every year our school produces 100% results. We have nearly half-a-dozen teachers. All national days are celebrated in our school.
In the school campus we live like brothers and sisters. There is a spirit of cooperation and sportsmanship. There is no problem of indiscipline as every one of us observes self-discipline.
Our headmaster is a very learned person who treats us as his children. Our school motto is “Look up Aim high”. All of us try to reach higher and higher. We are proud of our school.

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